What’s new to phunky parADOX!


December 30, 2021: DIGITAL GIFT CARDS!

Yeah, this is happening after Christmas, I know, but better late than never right? Digital Gift Cards are now available for purchase in my Shop! Send that loved one that’s hard to shop for something unique, or save you one for later while you have the funds! Increments for purchase start at the cost of 1 miniature acrylic painting plus shipping, and go up from there. Custom amounts can be arranged, just message me to discuss what you need! These are DIGITAL cards, no physical card will be shipped out, and are only redeemable on my website. Happy New Year!



Visiting my Commission page, you’ll see that they have recently been closed, which is actually a first for me. Due to the high demand for custom work, and the ever extending turnaround time to go with it, I had to make the decision to temporarily close Commission work. This isn’t permanent though! I just need so time to catch up and maintain my quality for those awaiting their custom works. Commissions will reopen and I will announce it on my social media platforms, so be sure to give me a follow! If you would like to be personally notified when commissions reopen, please send me a message and I will gladly add you to the list for a notification. When slots do reopen, they may be limited, so please keep that in mind when you decide to possibly get one. Thank you so much for your continued support!


June 24, 2020: NEW RELEASE!

As of June 24 I have released a BRAND NEW product line! Original Art Jewelry is my newest baby, so it is still in a very experimental phase. I’ll be periodically releasing batches, maybe 2-3 times a month, with different types and designs of jewelry. They are all handmade cabochon pieces with a miniature piece of ORIGINAL ARTWORK inside each one. At this time, commissions for these will not be available, but I hope to offer that as an option one day in the future. Feel free to message me with any questions about this new line of miniature art!


April 7, 2020 : EVENTS!

In-Person events are dropping off steadily, with MomoCon being my most recent cancellation, so I appreciate the patience while I try to keep up my Calendar!
You may not be able to see me in person much this year, but I’m still working to stay involved. You can find me in ‘Virtual Artist Alleys’, ‘Virtual Conventions’, and social media Sales and Auctions all over the web.
Below is a list of some cool events you can attend without even leaving your couch, just click on the name for the link! Thank you for your continued support!

Kimchi Kawaii’s Artist Alley (A virtual list of cool artists to shop on her website!)

Covid Con (Online Event!)

CouchCon (Online Event!)

My Event Page (showing sales and auctions I participate in Monthly!)



All original paintings now come with their very own Certificate of Authenticity! COAs are basically an info filled document citing the originality or ‘Authenticity’ of memorabilia, collectibles, or art and are signed or stamped by the original artist/maker/collector.

Have one of my paintings, but need a COA for it?
Contact me HERE with a picture of the back and front of your Painting, and I will send you an address for you to send a Self-Addressed Stamped envelope to. Or, ask me in person at my next event! (I will still require photo proof of your painting)